Gut Health Kickstart Beginner Mini-Course

Wondering where to start when it comes to getting your digestive system on track? Start here my friend! You’ll get access to five 60-minute value packed 60 minute videos to help you understand what could be causing your digestive issues, strategies to manage your symptoms, easy gut healing recipes, a symptom tip sheet and more! If you are brand new to digestion and gut health and healing, this is the best most foundational place to start as without these strategies and education, we cannot heal out gut and resolve IBS and other gut related issues like anxiety, joint pain or auto immune conditions!

6-Month Functional Health Program

The most comprehensive program to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is causing your digestive, mood, energy and skin issues once and for all! This signature program has created “life changing” results for many of my clients! If you are looking for total health transformation, lifelong strategies, resolution of symptoms and to finally take control of your health - click the button to learn more and apply! Includes state of the art testing, custom protocols, 1:1 visits, private learning platform, recipes and so much more!

DUTCH Hormone Testing Package

Want the most comprehensive hormone test available? Maybe you’re experiencing PMS, night sweats, mood swings or painful periods? Get a look into your estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol (stress levels and adrenal function) and more! Whether your hormone test results with your doctor looked “normal” or not - this test can provide new deeper insight that blood testing simply misses! Includes the test, initial recommendations, a 60 min results visit and customized hormone rebalancing plan! BONUS Hormone Balancing meal plan 🥳

Hair Mineral Testing Package

Learn what is going on with your metabolism, thyroid, adrenal function and more with hair tissue mineral testing! Includes the test kit a results visit with me, including a mineral rebalancing plan to help improve your levels to optimal! Valuable for every single woman to do to learn what is happening in her body at a cellular level!

Children’s Gut Health Package

Is your 4-12 year old struggling with digestive issues like constipation, loose stools or stomach pain? Sugar cravings? Maybe seasonal allergies, eczema, sleep issues or ADHD type symptoms? If so, utilize this testing package to get root cause answers by looking at the gut microbiome that contribute to all these issues.

High Protein Meal Plan for Busy Women

7 days of metabolism stoking recipes (all gluten and dairy free) with at least 110 grams of protein in each day’s recipes! Start supporting your metabolism, hormones, blood sugar, hair, skin, nails and more! This is a MUST for all women to cut cravings, change body composition, boost energy and shed inflammation. Shopping lists included! FREE BONUS: 7 high protein smoothie recipes for everyday of the week!

60 Min Empowered Health Session

Wondering where to start on your health journey? Book this 60 minute strategy session that includes initial recommendations that will get your headed in the right direction! Recommendations for lifestyle, nutrition, supplements and more will be included. Utilize this single session to work with me in the most affordable way to get your health on track, fast! Video appointment booking will take place after purchase.